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 E-Merchants Trade Council, Inc.

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Senate Finance Committee Chair Releases Bill Restricting Eligibility for De Minimis

Fri, August 09, 2024 7:55 PM | Mariane Rowden (Administrator)

Washington, DC--

U.S. Senator Ron Wyden, Chair of the U.S. Senate Finance Committee released a bill, the "Fighting Illicit Goods, Helping Trustworthy Importers, and Netting Gains for America Act of 2024" (FIGHTING for America Act of 2024) which makes changes to 19 U.S.C. section 1321 (de minimis shipments). He is joined by Senators Lummis, Brown, Collins and Casey on the bill.  

Senator Wyden's bill is designed to be an alternative to the "End China's De Minimis Abuse Act" (H.R. 7979) which passed the House of Representatives.

Recognizing the increase in low-value shipments entered as de minimis shipments since COVID-19, the bill restricts the types of articles (e.g, import-sensitive goods, items subject to ADD/CVD, subject to special tariff investigations under section 201, 301 and 301).  The bill also requires additional information and data (e.g., 10-digit HTSUS, country of origin), increases penalties for violations, and charges $2 per shipment fee.

EMTC has drafted a redline of the 19 U.S.C. section 1321 showing the changes that the bill makes to the current law as part of EMTC's analysis of the bill.  Companies seeking EMTC's analysis should join EMTC as a member.

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