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 E-Merchants Trade Council, Inc.

Simplifying Global E-commerce 

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WTO: Negotiations on e-commerce advance, eyeing a statement at MC12

Thu, November 11, 2021 6:48 PM | Mariane Rowden (Administrator)


The co-convenors of the negotiations on e-commerce — Australia, Japan and Singapore — said at a meeting on 10 November they plan to issue a statement on behalf of the participating members to take stock of the work achieved so far. The statement, to be issued at the 12th Ministerial Conference (MC12), will also reiterate the commitment to achieving an ambitious agreement on e-commerce and set targets for work in the year ahead. Members also heard updates from facilitators of small group discussions and reviewed text proposals for the e-commerce agreement.

See full statement at: WTO | 2021 News items - Negotiations on e-commerce advance, eyeing a statement at MC12

EMTC will be participating in the MC12 as an accredited NGO and will report back to EMTC members about progress of the negotiators and the impact on e-sellers.

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