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 E-Merchants Trade Council, Inc.

Simplifying Global E-commerce 

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IRS Tax Calendar for Small Business 

Online Tax Calendar | Internal Revenue Service (irs.gov)

  • Sun, June 25, 2023 7:20 AM | Karen Kelly (Administrator)

    (22) The Impact of E-commerce on rural areas and secondary cities in Ghana | LinkedIn

    E-commerce can lift people out of poverty and/or  give their families a better life  E-commerce is the 21st Century trading system 

  • Thu, June 22, 2023 2:50 PM | Karen Kelly (Administrator)

    CBP Trade Advisory Committee Convenes in Arlington, VA | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

    "Trade Modernization" is a key initiative for COAC, an advisory council to US Customs.  EMTC has submitted our proposed legislation that reflects creatively rethinking how modern trade is executed, unlike some ideas that suggest a reshaping-tweaking that adds  bureaucracy to slow down ecommerce and traditional trade.

  • Tue, June 20, 2023 4:00 PM | Mariane Rowden (Administrator)

    Arlington, VA --

    EMTC CEO Marianne Rowden was featured on the Simply Trade podcast speaking on "From Local to Global: How Small Businesses Can Excel in the E-commerce Arena with Marianne Rowden" with co-hosts Andy Shiles and Lalo Solarzano.

    Check out the entire podcast at: Apple Podcasts or Podbean.

  • Tue, June 20, 2023 10:11 AM | Karen Kelly (Administrator)

    Amazon Sellers Call on Congress to Delay Enforcement of New Law (ecommercebytes.com)

    The Inform Consumers Act is effective on June 27. Federal Trade Commission Civil Penalties for non-compliance are $50,120 per violation. This law provides transparency about the seller.

  • Sat, June 17, 2023 3:05 PM | Karen Kelly (Administrator)

    Advance Cargo Information System (nafeza.gov.eg)

    Note Documents must be sent to Egypt Customs 48 hours before DEPARTURE from origin for risk evaluation .  

  • Tue, June 13, 2023 3:04 PM | Karen Kelly (Administrator)

    Supply Chain Reliability Deteriorates, Prompting Pulling Forward of Orders ahead of Peak Season - Global Trade Magazine

    Expect a flat peak season. Container pricing has declined by 60-80% since June 2021.  The National Retail Federation says US sales are slowing.  Exporters in China are pausing investments  

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